Mid-Century Malaise – "SHOW ME PICS" Version

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drywall 'n' plate date

Who has two thumbs and hates some drywall and mud action? Me, that's who. I briefly mentioned the perimeter surrounding the back sliding door in the last entry and realized that the drywall didn't really cover enough of the edges on the left and top (right side is ok), so I wound up cutting away about six inches and replacing it with wider pieces for more coverage at the edges. I could've probably just gotten away with using really wide moulding, but I hate the look of huge 'n' fanciful casement moulding. Instead I'll probably use some small right-angle moulding and paint it white. The nice thing is that you can paint it prior to installation.

As an actual tip (because this blog rarely has useful information...), I used John's Harbor Freight oscillating tool to cut the drywall instead of a drywall saw; that made things a little easier especially since there was a fair amount of cutting with an eight-foot wide door. And as expected, it was shim city to get the new drywall to align with the old. It's not perfect, but with an old warpy house, that's almost impossible and I'll make up the difference in drywall mud. Now I have to wait for it to dry, sand, repeat, ad infinitum.

BTW, looking out the window you can see the bay window "platform" is gone (see pic in last entry), because I demo'd it last week. That was a sweaty, circular saw mess but I salvaged a fair amount of wood and will be using for Cool Recessed Shelving project.

My next entries are going to likely be a lot more exciting: counter install guy is here next week which means not only will I have counters but they're installing the sink and cook top. Following that, I'll call the plumbers who will make the sink and the cook top actually work. Wee.

In unrelated news, I was at Ikea in Burbank this week where amongst other crap, I found these awesome plates, which match my "tide pools" aqua wall amazingly closely, so I had to get 'em:

I tried to adjust the color as close as I could in Photoshop, but trust me, it's mighty close. They were $15 for four big plates, four little ones and four bowls, so I went big and bought two sets. Such a deal, as my people say. They're THESE, btw. Also got some light fixtures for the halls which I'll post later.

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